MIDF represented by Development Finance Division (DFD) in SIRIM-FMM Industry 4.0 webinar series
MIDF was one of the supporting partners of a webinar co-organised by SIRIM and FMM on 21 October 2021.

The webinar was part of the SIRIM-FMM Industry 4.0 Webinar Series: “Raising Awareness & Accelerating Sectoral Transformation Towards Global Competitiveness in Electrical Safety & EMC” and was held to enable the organisers and event partners to share the latest updates on technology, industry regulations, availability of standards and testing, and low-interest loan schemes. Apart from MIDF, other partners included Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST), The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia (TEEAM) as well as the SME Association of Malaysia (SMEAM).
MIDF was the only financial services provider at the event and our representative from the Development Finance Division (DFD) walked participants through the existing financial assistance available via MIDF such as the Soft Financing Scheme for Automation & Modernisation (SFSAM) and Soft Financing Scheme for Digital & Technology (SFDT).The webinar was attended by 90 participants.