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We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the MIDF Green Conference 2023, which took place on the 15th of June, following the resounding success of our previous conferences in 2019 and 2022. After a virtual edition last year, it was an absolute delight to return to an in-person event, fostering connections and collaborations among individuals passionate about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

Throughout the conference, we focused on building upon the momentum of previous editions, highlighting the significance of ESG principles for businesses and communities alike. With the theme "Shaking Things Up," we emphasized the urgency to address environmental challenges and the necessity to challenge the status quo. Engaging discussions covered a wide range of topics, including water security and management, corporate commitments to climate change, and the integration of ESG practices for SMEs. These discussions were a reflection of the pressing environmental challenges we face today and the imperative need for sustainable change.

We were privileged to host a distinguished panel of thought leaders, policymakers, and industry experts who graciously shared their invaluable insights and ideas on the most critical sustainability issues of our time. Their contributions added depth and richness to the conference, inspiring attendees to take tangible action towards a more sustainable future.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all participants who attended the MIDF Green Conference 2023. Your enthusiasm, knowledge sharing, and commitment to driving positive change have made this event truly remarkable. Your presence and contributions played a significant role in fostering an environment of collaboration and learning.

We extend a special thanks to our esteemed speakers, whose expertise and thought-provoking discussions created an engaging and enlightening experience for all attendees.

While the MIDF Green Conference 2023 has come to a close, the conversations and ideas sparked during this event will continue to reverberate. We encourage all participants to carry the momentum forward, implement sustainable practices in their respective fields, and actively contribute to the building of a greener and more resilient future.

Thank you once again for being part of this incredible journey towards sustainability. Stay connected, stay inspired, and let us continue our collective efforts to shape a better world.
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